Sunday, April 18, 2010

ROI for my Dandelion

To my faithful readers, this may be my final post. This blog ends my semester and academia at American University. Usually when I finish a class, I'm thrilled because its one less thing on my list to worry about. But not for this class. I enjoyed your companionship and feedback. However, there must be an ending to every beginning. With that being said, I bid you farewell.

But before I part with you, I would like to share my final thoughts with you. I read "Social Media FAQ #3: How Do I Measure ROI?" and "How to Measure Social Media ROI for Business". If you haven't noticed, the theme focuses on Return on Investment (ROI). And after reading these articles, I felt like sharing something a bit more practical from my experience.

I was faced with a challenge to promote an ebook. But not only promote, I also had to measure ROI for my Dandelion project. So I did the following:

1. Based on what I was trying to market and promote, I chose specific online social media to assist me.
2. I'm aware that people love to support anything that's for a good cause, so I created a cause that made them feel like they were actively contributing towards that cause.
3. I interacted frequently by updating status, posting and directly answering their questions. And sometimes, engaging in dialogue with my supporters (just to maintain their interests and their support).
4. Regularly, I checked my analytic reports to measure how many fans, clicks, unique visits etc. or simply ROI I had accomplished.

Based on the articles and my experience, is there anything you would do differently and why?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Predictions & Trends for Social Media

For this week, I read the following articles: "Six Social Media Trends for 2010" and "5 Predictions on The Future of Social Media". Based on the second article, "social media is in its infancy", and thus made the following predictions:

1) Ratings will become an expectation
2) Content aggregation will boom
3) New tools will replace some of the first movers
4) Social networks become portable
5) Virtual worlds gain traction

According to this first article, "In 2009 we saw exponential growth of social media... In 2010, social media will get even more popular, more mobile, and more exclusive." Hence, the article listed six trends as follows:

1. Social media begins to look less social
2. Corporations look to scale
3. Social business becomes serious play
4. Your company will have a social media policy (and it might actually be enforced)
5. Mobile becomes a social media lifeline
6. Sharing no longer means e-mail

In my opinion, I think that numbers 2 and 3 (second list)go hand-in-hand and it ultimately leads to number 4. And I also think that number 4 is on a rapid increase. Based on the lists, what do you think? Is there anything else you can add to the list? Or have you experienced any variances?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

SEO - why so late?

This week's reading I focused on "What is search engine optimization (SEO)?" and "Anatomy of a Blog Post Well Received". I felt like these articles and videos were very helpful. The articles gave a lot of tips and ideas of how to promote your blog ,as well as, how to generate traffic to your blog. And most of all, how to analyze the traffic your blog is attracting. However, I felt that if they were introduced earlier in the semester, they would have been even more helpful. What do you guys think ?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How to link job hunting & social networking

This week I read "The Blog is the New Resume" and "Social Networking has its perks". These articles were very enlightening because I never saw the blog as a resume. But after reading the article I understand why employers would consider the blog a resume. I always thought that blogging was a hobby or something to do with your free time. But then I learned that your blog is a representation of who you are, because it is an unedited version of yourself and it mirrors your thoughts and opinions.

However, I disagree with the second article with respect to if people "want to find a job they should get out from behind their computer". When it comes to job hunting, we need to be creative because competition is high and I think using the computer may actually be an asset in finding a job. For example, having an online presence that is presented in a professional manner, like having a LinkedIn account.

But what I found intriguing, was that the same article suggested using Facebook to market yourself in such a way that makes you appear valuable to potential employers. Though the article acknowledged that Facebook discourages this practice, it suggests that one way to avoid mixing your personal and professional presence would be to have two separate profiles. Now, my question to you is 'do you think this is effective?'

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kids & Technology

For this week's reading, I came across two distinct articles that relates to 'Online Collaboration'. The first article I read was "Students discovering online collaboration" and the second article was "Online Collaboration Tools".

The reason why I say these articles are distinct is because the first article speaks of current collaboration tools that is presented to first-graders and the second article speaks of tools that were available before broadband. Nevertheless, I found them very interesting, it provided me a time-line and a vision of how far internet capabilities have come.

I think its great and a clever idea to introduce these collaborative tools to kids early. But I do share some concerns with Kristen Alloway. For example, kids using nonauthoritative sources, accessing inappropriate materials and giving out personal information online.

However, when it comes to technology and kids, I'm amazed. Its like they were programmed at birth with the manuals in their brains so when they are presented with any given technology they have no fear. For instance, my niece is 8 years old and she's asking me for help with her research paper. She was complaining that she was having difficulties finding reputable sites to reference. So I said, why not go to the library. And guess what she did...she laughed at me! Then I had my other niece from London who came to visit me last summer. She's 4 years old and claimed to be a Michael Jackson fan. So just to prove how much of a fan she was, she began singing a lot of his songs from way back. I was amazed and asked where did she learn that...she said YouTube. Now my question is 'how does a 4 years old with no older siblings know how to use the internet?'

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Virtual Teams - Love it or Hate it?

Hi all, hoped you enjoyed your spring break. I did, I slept 75% of the time, went nowhere and did nothing until now. Sometimes, it feels great to be a bum. Besides all that, I read the following articles: 6 ways to build trust with your virtual teams and Working Together...When Apart.

These articles provide generally accepted rules for making a virtual team successful. Though virtual teams may have some similarities, they differ by culture and dynamics. And I think that in order for a virtual team to be successful, is for the leader to adapt to the group's culture and work on enhancing their strengths.

Take me for an example, I prefer virtual teams. I'm flexible because I do agree that our first meeting should be personal where team members become familiar with each other. And I'm aware that circumstances may arise when the team has to meet face-to-face. But for some strange reason, all face-to-face interactions with my groups has always been a waste of time, for the most part. Actually, my groups have always been more productive when virtual.

For instance, I'm currently taking a class where the class meets once a week, we have weekly deliverables and due to conflicting schedules my team is unable to meet (EVER!). So thanks to Google docs, G chat, emails, texts etc. and all other available technology my team completes our deliverables on time. I really love technology!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Virtually in the Classroom

After reading "Learning in Second Life: Virtual Education" and "Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality: Which one is More Real?", and considering the fact that I'm a college student who is majoring in Business, let's just say I have mixed feelings about virtual education.

I am aware that many universities embrace online courses and web-based systems like Blackboard to increase revenue while promoting distance learning. But take it a step further...try to visualize virtual education. Don't get me wrong, from an educational and business viewpoint, I thing its a great idea. For instance, the recent blizzards and snowstorms we experienced this winter; with virtual education professors would not have to worry about rescheduling class materials or sessions.

But from a student's point of view or my opinion, I would hate virtual education. If I'm at home, I want to relax and spend time with my family or friends and not have to worry about school. I want to sleep in late, play in the snow or do whatever it is that I felt like doing at the time. Again, don't get me wrong here because I value online classes. At least if or when I registered for the class I knew it was going to be virtual. But if I had to make a conscious decision about registering for a traditional or virtual class....guess which one I'm picking?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LinkedIn has been around since 2003, but I only heard of it like a year ago. I was visiting Seattle with the Road Scholars group and every headquarter we visited encouraged us to use LinkedIn. They were saying that LinkedIn was the new way to network while building contacts. So needless to say that I have a LinkedIn account.

In my opinion, having a LinkedIn account is like having an online resume. Your profile features your experience, education, personal and other additional information. And the best part, your contacts and recommendations. Your recommendations make your profile more valuable and through your contacts you can build and network with potential contacts. Also, I thought its was a great idea to have a LinkedIn account because when I google my name that's the first thing that shows up along with other associated works. So if potential employers google you, chances are if you have a LinkedIn account you won't be so embarrassed.

However, after reading "How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn" and "How to Change the World: Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn" I learned some interesting things. For example, "People with more than twenty connections are thirty-four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five". Well, I have 22 connections with 2 recommendations for a year and was never approached with a job opportunity. Apart from updating my profile every once in a while, I've done nothing with my account. So my question to you is...if you have a LinkedIn account, how long have you had it and what have you done with it?

Sunday, February 14, 2010


After a not so welcoming winter break, I'm more tired than ever. I'm actually surprising myself because I had no idea that I could write a blog with one eye open while my brain is somewhat half asleep (some skills huh?). Anyway, let's get down to business before my other eye decides to close. So for this week I read "Thumb Novels: Mobile Phone Fiction" and "Students' new best friend: 'MoSoSo'".

MoSoSo or Mobile Social Networking Software is considered the next big consumer technology shift because these technologies nowadays are so addictive. Its so addictive that we spend more time on cyber-social networks, texting and tweeting, sending photos, watching television and playing games instead of simply talking on the phone.

Despite its success and popularity in the US, Twitter is struggling in Japan. The Japanese youngsters prefer mobile-phone fiction (Keitai shosetsu) rather than texting or updating their social networking profiles. At first, I experienced culture shock just by reading the article. But after learning that their commute averages 2 hours and most youngster don't have a PC, I can understand their passion for reading short-stories via their mobiles.

I appreciate the culture difference between the US and Japan even though we both use our mobiles frequently for other activities rather than talking. And though its a small similarity, I doubt that Keitai shosetsu phenomenon would ever become popular in the west. What do you think?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Corporate Blogging

Hi again, hoped you all enjoyed the beauty and privileges of having snow days. I sure did. But let's not delay and get down to business. For this week, I read "On Corporate Blogging: Interview with Don Martelli of MS&L - Technorati Blogging" and "10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging - Smashing Magazine".

My thoughts on Corporate Blogging....To be completely honest, I consider myself new to the blogosphere. I thought blogging was considered a leisure activity for just about anyone. I thought blogging was an extension for social network, in addition to updating profile status. But after reading the articles above, I learned and realized how companies can use blogging as a marketing tool to build brand awareness.

I learned that corporate blogging is one way to publish a company's story. It allows companies to speak and engage directly with their customers. In addition to increasing brand awareness, companies can test ideas and get feedback from their customers. If you ask me, its a win-win situation because you listen to your customers (needs/complaints) and aim to satisfy their desires. There's no need to guess or assume because these requests came directly from the customers.

However, I have a few questions as usual...apart from building and maintaining brand awareness what other benefits do corporate blogging provide? And do you think that corporate blogging can be considered an extended version of customer service?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blogs don't kill culture, bloggers kill culture!

After reading "Nobel Laureate Says The Internet Makes Us Dumb, We Say: Meh" and "The Digital Emperor Has No Clothes", I became somewhat disappointed.

According to Lessing, "we live in a fragmenting culture where people read nothing and know nothing of the world". Personally, I am offended and I disagree. Yes, I confess that I am one of those individuals who prefers anything digital over paper based because we waste nothing and gain more for our environment. However, I may be a bit obsessed with facebooking with my peers or following celebrities on twitter but that does not mean that's all I use the Internet for. Yes, my free-time activities include listening to music on Pandora and playing a few games on Facebook. But I am also a senior in college. Therefore, I use wikis, blogs and other means of social media to distribute and acquire information, as well as to market myself.

Additionally, I was offended that Lessing generalized all techno-savvy individuals. Yes, I do acknowledge that some individuals do nothing more than play games online, check email and listen to music. But there are those individuals that only use the Internet for reading the news while acquiring other valuable information. And then there are those like myself who uses the Internet for both academic and pleasure purposes.

I am not sure if any of my readers agree or disagree with me, but I have question for you...Do you agree with the statement "Blogs don't kill culture; bloggers kill culture"?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


For week 3, we will focus our attention on "YouTube - Jeff Howe - Crowdsourcing" and "The Myth of Crowdsourcing -".

Honestly, I must confess and say that if I were asked to define crowdsourcing I would have probably include the word crowd in my definition. However, I recently learned that "There is no crowd in crowdsourcing" from Dan Woods. It seems that many individuals like myself have a misconception of the term. They believe that crowdsourcing involves outsourcing work to a crowd. On the contrary, it involves outsourcing a problem to an online community, which could either be a small group of persons or a large number of people, who possess various forms of expertise. For example, Wikipedia can be considered as a good resource of crowdsourcing because articles are created, then corrected or improved by many different people.

Now that we understand the true meaning of crowdsourcing, I have a few questions for my readers. First, were you one of those individuals who misconceived what crowdsourcing meant and if you were, what did you think it meant?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Social Network Analysis

For week 2, I read the following articles: "The People Who Make Organizations Go - or Stop" and "Six Myths About Informal Networks - And How To Overcome Them".

I liked the first article because it gave an in-depth explanation of what social network analysis is all about, in terms of identifying the importance of the four common role players. To be honest, I learned quite a few things from this article because I thought that social networking was about building informal relationships without realizing its importance and its effect on its respective organizations.

In my opinion, I thought that the second article complemented the first. After understanding what social network analysis was, I felt that it was necessary to be aware of the myths that accompanied it. Out of the six myths that were discussed I found two of them very interesting. For instance, "Everyone should be connected to everyone else" and "How people fit into networks is a matter of personality (which can't be changed)". Once again, in my opinion if you are connected to the right people then there is no need to be connected to everyone else. But the most interesting thing I learned was that people fitted into networks based on a matter of intentional behaviors which can be influenced.

After reading these articles, Tricia's Thoughts recommends them for anyone who is interested in social networking. You'll learn how to conduct a social network analysis, identifying each role players and their importance, and how to overcome certain myths. I hoped you enjoyed reading Tricia's Thoughts and I look forward to seeing you again.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trish's Introduction

Hi, my name is Patricia Wilburg. I am a senior at American University, majoring in Business Administration and Information Systems & Technology. I am a new blogger for my ITEC 335 Class at Kogod School of Business.

For the purpose of AU's academic integrity pledge: On my honor, all posts on this blog are my own.